Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 3: Madaba, Mt. Nebo and Dead Sea

 Today we drove to Madaba, Mt. Nebo and the Dead Sea. It was a very warm day... it hit 41 degrees at approximately 4pm (but don't worry, "it's a dry heat"!).
Madaba is  a small community famous for St. George's church with a mosaic map of the middle-east buried under it's floor.

Downtown Madaba
St. George Orthodox Church - mosaic map of the Middle East

More downtown Madaba... if you don't like the price here, go next door

Mount Nebo - Moses memorial

Mt. Nebo - where you can see Jordan Valley and the Dead Sea

Jordanian moose on the side of the road
Mt. Nebo

Holiday Inn - Dead Sea (view from Sue & Mark's room)

Look Ma, no hands!!

Dead Sea float

They tell us the mud is good for your skin... I think they like to see people put stuff on their skin that stinks like poop!
Mmmm... smells yummy... NOT!

Night time shot of lower pool

Bar area
Far off lights across the Dead Sea....The "West Bank"


  1. Great skyping with you today umm tonight.. whatever..... Hilarious pix of you two floaters ......

  2. Holy Moses this looks fun! (couldn't resist). Great shots of a few muddy kids.
